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2018-05-02 PB min.

Town of Princeton, Mass.        
PLANNING BOARD   meeting Minutes  --– May 2, 2018

In Town Hall Annex; present were:, Chairman John Mirick Tom Sullivan, Ian Catlow and Rud Mason with alternate Ann Neuburg.

7:30 PM   John M. opened meeting. Robert Abady was in to ask about requirements for a site plan which is needed for a business he’s proposing at 184 Worcester Road—a Doggie Daycare & Boarding. It would occupy one end of a long building in the Jacobson complex. He described proposed improvements to the interior, which the Pl. Bd. is not concerned with for a site plan review. There is an unused basement foundation attached to the building which Mr. Abady would use for an outdoor dog run. There will also be outdoor lighting and signs. Animal waste will go into a dumpster. He outlined several areas for parking for employees and a drop-off area for customers. along with a van pick-up and garage door. He intends to patch/paint the exterior, which is wooden siding and a metal roof. He anticipates no more than four vehicles using drop-off space at any given time.

John said the board needs to see a plan with an overview showing egress from the street and all parking and drive-around areas. It doesn’t need to be engineered, or an architect’s drawing, just a simple drawn plan with features, facilities and distances indicated. Dumpsters and staff vehicles are not visible from the road but must be shown on plan. The board advised Abady to confer with property owner Bruce Jacobson and Steve from Hunt & Gather, to access existing site plans of abutting buildings.

Abady will return at next meeting with site plan application, plans and payment.

8:20 PM  John M. opened public hearing for zoning articles on ATM warrant and read legal notice. Besides board members and The Landmark reporter Phyllis Booth, no one attended. With no public participation, Board voted to close the public hearing.

8:25 PM  Planning Board members voted all in favor to accept Zoning Section XXII as presented, and submit it to Selectmen for the 2018 ATM warrant.

Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of April 18, 2018. There was some discussion about the business use apparently occurring on Wheeler Road, which will require a site plan review if it continues, pending any further determination by the building inspector.

8:45 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Zoning articles on ATM warrant

Upcoming meetings:     May 16, June 6 & 20, 2018